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Derby Red Tent Project

Celebrating Female Energy

Our Red Tent Circle  provides monthly nourishment for women. It is all about creating a space for women to gather together to be real, be heard and be honoured.  Traditionally meetings are held on or near the New Moon to symbolise our link between our monthly cycles and the rhythms of the moon. 

Red Tents create spaces for women to share stories, knowledge, and wisdom.

 Intergenerational  sharing - grandmothers sharing their stories with the younger women, mothers sharing with daughters;

 Music; Singing Dancing; Poetry, Creativity, food, relaxing, massage, Psychic readings, colour therapy;

 Celebrating and sustaining The Divine Feminine.


Really...couldn't we all use a little "me" time?

There is nothing more powerful than a woman who knows her power!

Origin of the Idea

For those who  unfamiliar with concept of the Red Tent, it began as a sacred gathering place for women in the Bible the book of Genesis, which mentions a woman named Dinah, daughter of Jacob and sister of Joseph. Fast forward to 1997, when author Anita Diamant published a book of historical fiction called The Red Tent., which broadens and uses Dinah’s story to explore female relationships.  The book references the red coloured tent in which women of Jacob's tribe must, according to the ancient law, take refuge while menstruating or giving birth, and in which they find mutual support and encouragement from their mothers, sisters and aunts. Red tents exisit in many cultures under many names including Moon Lodges, Menstrual huts, Women Circles and so on. Beliefs vary as to whether this is/was a positive and nurturing thing and/or signified that women were “unclean” or that their energy was “too powerful” during their moontime.Today, Red Tents are being revived as a way for women and girls to gather for rest, replenishment, connection, and learning.  A time for ease, laughter, treats, sharing stories and sharing lives.

Diamant's novel also makes the argument that to develop a sense of context for the self, we need spaces and time for women, grandmothers, sisters, friends, mothers and daughters to share stories beyond the stories of
“great women.” The Red Tent has also been linked to the sacred feminine and mysterious power women were/are thought to have during their menstrual cycles and when giving birth. In ancient cultures the colour red is also symbolic of female strength, energy, power and resilience.

The Red Tent is designed to forge a sacred women's space for sharing ideas and life stories. The Red Tent bridges the gap for women to communicate. Creating a space where age, race, life experience, family, sexual orientation and religion disappear, if only for a short while, it is a place for women and girls to share and listen to each other.  The Red Tent Space is there to remind us that  the act of slowing down, tuning in, and connecting to yourself and other women is how we find the answers within.  This is how we take care of ourselves, others and the world.  And this is how we teach our daughters to grow into balanced and wise women. All women are welcome. Come as you are, come when you need to; Everyone gets a chance to speak, everyone is heard. The Space has no leader, no ownership except that which belongs to the women and girls who come to the Space. A space for women to come together and connect. Join us in exploring and celebrating.

The Moon: Symbolism, Meaning and Impact

The Eight Lunar Phases and Keywords

New Moon:  New beginnings, fresh start, blank page.

Crescent Moon:  Intention, hopes, and wishes

First Quarter Moon: Challenges, decisions, action.

Gibbous Moon: Adjust, refine, edit.

Full Moon:  Signed, sealed, and stamped.

Disseminating Moon:  Gratitude, sharing, enthusiasm.

Last Quarter Moon:   Release, let go, forgive.

Balsamic Moon: Surrender, rest, recuperate.

How to Start Your Own Red Tent Space

Following on  from  her presentation at WOW 2013 Campaigning for Red Tent Spaces in Every Community (see the video below)  our Director Sonya Robotham has outlined some tips on how to start a Red Tent Space in your area/community.

The Power of Your Period

The menstrual cycle is about womens’ energy and power; the power to be, to restore, to receive & to create.

Throughout history different cultures attitudes towards menstruation and menstrual blood have varied. This has ranged from menstrual blood being viewed as sacred, healing and powerful, to being feared as dangerous and unclean.

Red Tent Space Events and Workshops

Dates for New Moons and Derbys Women's Red Tent Space Meetings 2017 please see the main RT page:

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